Latest Episodes
"Oathbringer" by Brandon Sanderson
TW: Contains graphic discussion of the effects of the stomach flu (vomit)Want a cool alternative to Audible? Check out (Not an affiliate link, ya'll know we d...
"Words of Radiance" by Brandon Sanderson
Rachel, Hannah, Kate, and Matt discuss the second book in the Stormlight Archive! Words of Radiance. Special cameo by some epic microphone adjustment while Matt was ta...
"Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson
Rachel, Hannah, and Kate (and special guest Matt) discuss the epic fantasy adventure "Way of Kings" by Brandon Sanderson.
"Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn" by Stephanie Meyer
IF YOU LOVE TWILIGHT THIS IS NOT THE PODCAST FOR YOU.Discussing both "Eclipse" and "Breaking Dawn" to really wrap up this carnival of misogynist horrors. Listen for ho...
Vacation Announcement - July 2024 - Please Listen!
Matt and Rachel are headed out on the road! Please listen for information on which shows will be on break until October!Strange and Beautiful Book Club - On break unti...